Do you know what Microsoft, Apple, Dell, Google and Amazon all have in common? They started their journey in the late 90’s from places like garages, basements, attics or even terraces.
Do you know what Spotify, Uber, Instagram and Indiegogo have in common? These startups started from a co-working office space.
Thus, there was a time when some of the greatest inventions happened in a space where they toiled for weeks to overcome the lack of infrastructure which slowed down their growth rate.
Today, however, companies have more favourable conditions accessible to boost their business without the turmoil. One of the most significant ways is working at a collaborative workspace. Such places serve as a platform of invaluable resources and experiences.
And one name that tops the list is Karma Workspaces :here to ensure that you get the best experience and resources.
We understand how owning a business often comprises endless challenges. One needs to have their entire focus, from the earliest stage possible, solely on business. However, studies have proven that people tend to get more distracted in casual setting places, even at their own home!
By opting to work at a co-working space, you are assured that all the supplementary business requirements are met to keep you focused on business growth.
At Karma, we offer high-speed internet, housekeeping, general utilities and security to ensure your focus is solely on your business. By working alongside the finest members you are also able to seek feedback thereby flattening the steepness of the learning curve.
Similarly, an entrepreneur knows that business is not always about its core competencies. There are several other aspects that need to be taken under consideration like accounting, digital marketing, customer experience and more.
At Karma , you have the ability to directly reach out to any of the members who have the skills which may not be central to your business, but essentially helpful, nevertheless This creates an adaptive environment to ensure the growth of your team is done effectively.
We know that successful businesses often emerge from effective collaboration and networking to establish a community.
Karma ensures that you make the most of the connections, by offering member bonding activities as well as team bonding activities.
As your business experiences success, you may need to increase the office space. In olden days, this constituted finding a new office space altogether, hiring an architect and more cumbersome jobs, additionally.
Thankfully, it’s the 21st century, whereby through working at a coworking space, office-expansion constitutes clicking just a few buttons.
One can easily switch from a single table space to a manager cabin or a team cabin without any hassle. If your business outgrows the space, we offer bigger spaces with our parent company Shivarth. Shivarth Projects provides custom-designed offices as per your need or a bare shell office space where you can design it as per our convenience. We have solutions for all your problems.
Welcome to Karma, we know exactly how “Where you work, matters”!
A business oasis! – Karma Workspaces
August 20, 2020 | Workspace